Monday, July 23, 2012

New Music Tuesday - 07/24/2012

The Antlers - Undersea EP

The announcement of this release was made in a very secretive and clandestine way. There was only a "trailer," but no one seemed to know what it really was. Was it going to be an album, a movie, just a song? Turns out that it was an EP. This is the second EP the band has released by the band since their amazing album, Burst Apart, in May of last year, which turned out to be one of my favorites of 2011. Though it hasn't been long since that album, another EP just makes me even more antsy for a new full-length, but I plan on enjoying this short teaser to its fullest.
"Drift Drive"

Flea - Helen Burns EP

Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers has been talking for years about his solo record, but it's only now being released, making him the second long-term and current member to release solo work (new guitarist Klinghoffer does not count for this consideration); lead singer Anthony Kiedis as the last without any major solo work. The EP was actually released a few days ago as a "pay-what-you-want" download, with all proceeds going to the Silverlake Conservatory of Music. That's pretty awesome...even though it is his own charity. Still, great for fans of Flea and for the kids at Silverlake.

Passion Pit - Gossamer

A good friend and I have had a bit of an argument leading up to this release. So far, the band has put out two or three of the songs from this record. He loves one and thinks it's the far superior track, while I love the other and think that's the superior track. I'm a woman, so, of course, I'm the one that's right. I'm sure, though, that once we get a listen at the full album, we'll both have songs that we like far more than either of the first two tracks. By the way, the song in the video posted last week is not the one that I like more. Mine is below, listen and judge for yourselves!
"Take a Walk"

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